So in honor of turkey day, here is what I am thankful for.
- My indescribably, amazing and beautiful wife who complements me so well.
- Ellie-girl who I miss everyday, and whom without life doesn't feel quite complete. So I am completely ready for the three weeks we get to spend with her next month.
- Squirt, who is one of the sweetest children I have ever met in my life. She cares about everyone and everything.
- BYU sports. I am addicted what can I say?
- The University of Oregon, its Human Physiology Department, and everyone involved with the Cardiopulmonary and Respiratory Lab.
- Loving what I do.
- While I will never believe for a moment that I should have been laid off by that company that has that annoying Flo chick, I am thankful for the opportunities that have come into my life as a result.
- California State University, Fullerton's kinesiology department. Seriously... I don't know how I could have accomplished what I did, in the time I did without the help of Dan, Jason, Jeremy, Caitlin, Carolyn, Barry, Dr. Brown, Dr. Coburn and everyone else that helped so I could push through my M.S. program in such a short time.
- For having a place of my own. It is a little, okay, a lot, sobering to look back and realize that from August 2009 - August 2011, I was for all and intents and purposes homeless.
- For constantly being surrounded by people that were crazy enough to let me live with them over the past couple years.
- Beautiful falls in August
- Being able to get a full night's rest. I don't have exact values, but I know the number of nights I have slept through the entire night this year (especially the last few months). I am not sure I had one of those nights at all from 2008-2010.
- For getting a paycheck every month that does come from the unemployment office.
- Five words - Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate
- My incredible parents, brothers and sister's-in-law, nephew and nieces. We are screwed up in our own special way, but we are pretty freaking awesome
- The love of cooking that my parents instilled me at a young age. That has been such a blessing and now I get to share that passion with my wife and daughters.
- For GPS, which allowed us to bypass the insane traffic that was between Eugene and Portland, allowing us to get Squirt to the airport so she could see her dad for Thanksgiving.
- Kim and her family. They are all amazing people, and I am thankful for all that they do in helping to raise Ellie when I am not around.
- Pre's Trail
- Falling asleep every night next while my wife snuggles next to me
- All-Clad cookware and Williams Sonoma
- The fact I don't get AMS
- Autzen Stadium, its atmosphere and the fact that "It never rains in Autzen!"
- My wife for handling my innate ability to get tunnel vision and my analytical side
- For silly goals like seeing as many temples as possible (52... 50 of them with Ellie-girl), and visiting every national park (13 and counting)
- Homemade pasta
- Having fresh rolls nearly every Sunday night for dinner
- Alton Brown, Giada de Laurenitis and Bon Appetit
- Ducks athletics, because it helps to fill the void of not being able to go to BYU sporting events
- My 2001 Nissan Xterra. If it can last until I graduate with my PhD, then I will be extra thankful
- Running. My love, and stress reliever for the past 3-1/2 years
- Ryan, Megan, Mike, Jaimee, Royce and Kristin and their families
- Italian food
- No sales tax in Oregon
- For the University of Alabama also accepting me into their PhD program, this giving me piece of mind for the a few months, because I knew I would be going to school somewhere
- Our incredible new friends and ward here in Eugene. The transition to Oregon has been much easier because of them.
- Being able to walk to school everyday
- For the road bike I will one day get as my graduation present to myself for getting my M.S.
- I have been extremely healthy this year. There have only been about 3 days I have been sick all year.
- Tom and Lois
- The quarter system.
- Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Back rubs from my wife
- Endless possibilities
- Subscription to Bon Appetit
- Eugene Saturday Farmer's Market
- Being an American. Yes things are screwed up here, but I enjoy the freedoms and blessings I am afforded by being an American.
- BYU football and basketball, California Angels, San Francisco 49ers, Los Angeles Lakers, and Manchester United. Stupid sports teams that generally provide me instants of joy throughout the year
- For the trip that Michelle and I are going to take in about 30 minutes.
Life is good, what more can I say?
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