Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Moments before, the bee was buried within the pink petals seemingly taking shelter.
Fall is here, and it has surely arrived in all it's splendid, drippy glory. No longer are the days long and sunny, uncharacteristically dry as a bone in the Pacific Northwest. Rain has come. Sitting on the couch I hear the splashing of passing cars and remember gazing out the window of my childhood bedroom, in awe of the rain. Droplets that would stick to the glass and then cling to each other, eventually gaining enough gumption to slide precariously down the pane. It was beautiful to me then and it is beautiful to me now.

Undergrads flank the streets under colorful umbrellas or saturated hoodies while locals remain indoors or walk along with heads bare. There is a relaxed nature to the town now, more so than there was yesterday, and the day before, which is likely born of the reality that the rain is in charge and we are simply inhabitants of it's kingdom. Fall apparel, my absolute favorite, emerges from where it recently hibernated deep within the darkness of an overlooked dresser drawer. Cozy fabrics and charming scarves come out to play, enveloping us in their warmth and drawing us quickly into a sense of security that only they can offer.

What will the rain bring? How long until we are anxious for her departure? What will fill our time while the frisbees and playgrounds and berry picking of yester-week suddenly halt? So much uncertainty, yet so much peace. Drip on, cool rain. We welcome thee.

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