Yup, that's right. It's been two whole months today (almost to the hour!) since His Hotness and I dun got hitched. All at once I can't believe it's been that long and that short. It just feels like this is the way it's supposed to be (can I get an "awwwwww...."?). I realized that I never blogged our wedding as I had planned, so today, in tribute to this "milestone" I give you our wedding.
I didn't realize how often I kissed him that day until looking at our pictures. |
Before we went into the temple for our marriage, a girl came up to us from the parking lot and asked if we could jump start her car. Jim went to help her - in his suit - and Jess took some pics of me while we waited. |
Jim's grandparents made it down from Idaho (since there were two weddings in three days for Jim's family). He was absolutely thrilled to have them here. |
We actually did our "us" pictures before we went in to be married. I'm so glad. It made the rest of the day easy. Besides, afterward there was really harsh light, even worse wind, and a million people. We got lucky. |
Some of Jim's dear friends drove out from California with their four kids for ONE DAY so they could come. Aeryn clearly enjoyed playing with the boys while they were here. |
New cousins! |
New sister! |
Our new little family, all together. |
Everyone who was able to be at the temple with us. I love this picture because I'm overwhelmed by the sacrifices so many people made in order to be here and I feel completely loved. |
The Davis clan |
It was a long day and little people start to have a rough time. Who do you think won the pout contest? |
Just keepin' it real. |
With the temple. I love this one. London has been my favorite for years but I've got to say, this one has a soft spot in my heart now. |
I feel like this should be a 1980's Toyota commercial, but I LOVE it. |
Happy Two-monthiversary babe!!!!
Love you.
The details:
My Dress:
French Quarter from Shabby Apple
Jim's Suit: Something awesome we found at Banana Republic
Girls Dresses: From
Flowers: Green Ruffled Roses and Purple Hydrangeas from
Haw's Floral
Potographer: Jessica Layne Willis
Oquirrh Mountain
Day: July 9th
You are beautiful, Michelle! Thanks for sharing! Why London? Have you been there? I went there right before Michael and I were married. The grounds are delightful.