Monday, August 15, 2016


So, it happened. We packed up our student apartment, loaded a truck, and spent five days driving across the country to our new home. That was quite an experience. My pictures are quite lacking, as Aeryn was in Texas and Ellie was in the car with Jim most of the time, so only a few of us appear to have gone through this. Here is the cliff-notes version of that week, in no particular order and only maybe will the pictures relate.

Here it goes.

  • With the help of friends we somehow packed and cleaned our apartment.
  • My parents came out to ride with us so I wouldn't have to be alone with the kids in the car. 

  • My kids were superstars in the car. 
  • We stayed in too many hotels and shared beds to all fit into a room.

  • Aeryn was lucky and didn't have to sit in the car for days on end. 
  • Ellie rode in the moving truck most of the way with her dad. 

  • Tate was mostly content watching out the window and holding his blanket. 
  • Charlie slept almost the whole time.

  • We only watched 3 movies the whole trip.
  • Play-places are life savers. 

  • Spontaneous stop in Denver let my kiddos sit on the porch swing at my Grandparents house. 
  • I-70 East isn't quite as straight and boring as I recalled. 

  • I have a slight obsession with wind farms. 
  • Tate got to ride in the truck the last day and thought it was the greatest. 

  • Ellie ate at McDonald's multiple days in a row without complaining (this screams for documentation!)
  • Closing was delayed a day (ugh) so we looked for ways to kill time in a new town. 

  • The humidity was stifling.
  • We found an amazing park. 

  • The asphalt at the amazing park was crumbling and our van got stuck over the edge. 
  • Thank heavens for AAA. 

  • We got ice cream. 
  • The end - for now. 

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