Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Many Faces of Tate

Little dude is now six months old. It's been awesome. I'm finally feeling like a {mostly} normal person again and like I can handle this three kids thing. Tate is getting so much more expressive and his little personality is beginning to emerge. I tried for one cute smile today but ended up with a variety of silly looks instead.

This one is my absolute favorite. He pulls in his lower lip quite frequently and I'm sure it will stop once he gets some teeth.

Some little deatils about Tate:

  • He crawled for the first time yesterday!
  • Despite trying to grab all my food for the last month or so, he is not a big fan of eating. So far he's been most enthusiastic about bananas, potatoes, and salmon... even though I probably shouldn't have given him any fish yet. 
  • He's becoming a mama's boy. 
  • He has started laughing at peek-a-boo, but is quite stingy with it. He will either laugh easily and frequently or not at all. 
  • He loves attention from his sisters, even when they are not as tender or delicate as they ought to be. 
  • His favorite toys are Sophie the giraffe and his set of stacking rings. He also really loves his jumperoo. 

I know the last picture is a little blurred, but I just love it. My boys snuggle in the evenings when we watch a little TV and it melts my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, can't believe he's 6 months old! I love your bike riding fun too. What a cute family you guys are!


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